Carolyn Fitzpatrick Rubin

Carolyn Fitzpatrick Rubin is a former swimmer and avid runner going back to college, where she first came to yoga for its physical benefits of strength and balance. When her first husband was diagnosed with cancer in September of 2001, yoga and meditation became a sanctuary and she began to study its ancient philosophy and numerous healing benefits. In 2008 she was fortunate to participate in a month-long training at Kripalu and in 2011 completed an additional 200 hours with Mimi Loureiro & Elliot McEldowney from O2 yoga. Carolyn is excited to have rounded out her 500 hours with completion of a 75-hour training for experienced teachers led by Schuyler Grant, founder of Kula Yoga in 2019. “We build both mental and physical strength by honing our skills of concentration, focus and present moment awareness on the mat. How blessed we are to also be able to work on compassion, patience and understanding of ourselves so that we can bring these same benevolent qualities into our daily lives”. Carolyn’s classes are a blend of strength and surrender, weaving breath and movement into a meditative flow that encourages students to explore what brings them back to their mat, again and again. Off the mat, Carolyn enjoys the great outdoors hiking, running and traveling with her awesome husband Gary. They are equally blessed to share their adventures with family, friends and their 4- legged companion Layla.

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Swing by our gorgeous two-story space to learn more and see what’s coming.

48 Main St. Amesbury, MA
(978) 834-6421