Veronica Woodlief

Veronica Woodlief began her journey in 2017, when I was working in a job that was so stressful and toxic that she was diagnosed with Panic Attack Disorder and PTSD. Searching for a way to soothe the anxiety, she committed to a 40-day Kundalini meditation practice, and her life has never been the same. She knew instantly that she wanted to become a teacher and share the benefits of this practice with others, so she completed the Kundalini Research Institute’s 200 hour YTT in 2021. Veronica’s goal is to empower students with practices that promote a sense of inner peace, balance in body, mind & spirit, and a strong sense of Self. She strives to bring a grounded approach to esoteric spiritual concepts and yogic philosophy so they’re relatable and easy-to-understand. Off the mat, Veronica loves cooking vegan food, reading, and spending time on the beach with her husband and two dogs.

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48 Main St. Amesbury, MA
(978) 834-6421