Welcome to Bryony & Birch

I am a firm believer that as humans we are all given a gift, the gift of life.

As we get older we travel through the years in and out of phases, trying to figure out what our likes are, what our dislikes are, who we are, who we want to spend our time with, who we call friends, family.

Eventually you reach a point in time where everything starts to make more sense – our desires become our mission to create a life worth living where we can wake up every morning with a sense of comfort, sense of gratitude. You wean the negative out to allow the positive in. The people and the places that are meant to stay will eventually find their way to you or you to them.

As creator of Bryony & Birch, my journey is the product and creation after heartache, hardship, and my most challenging obstacle that I’ve faced to date. Everyone has a story. My story lies within the walls of Bryony. When you choose to look inward at a time of despair you are choosing to focus your energy on growth, on rebirth and on becoming a stronger, wiser individual and creator of your own destiny.

When I sit and reflect today on where I was in March 2020, a time I was faced with immense pain and need to start over, I see a person who I don’t recognize anymore. I see the shadow of a wounded woman searching for hope and perseverance. When you fall and burn there is always a chance to rise again.

Bryony & Birch is a representation of who I am and what I love. The raw and true me that lives beneath the layers is represented within the walls of Bryony. People that touched my life, some close friends, some family, and some new friends have helped create the Hub of community, art, beauty, wellness and unique collaboration that Bryony & Birch has become.

Some say that healing comes in time. I believe that healing comes when you do the work, you share your story and you lend a hand to help others.

I hope that Bryony & Birch will be that place of home for whoever walks through our doors. I am dedicated to give my strengths, my passions and this beautiful space to everyone in our community. Never give up, never lose hope, YOU are capable of doing anything you wish in this lifetime.

I invite you to come in for a rejuvenating haircut, shop some brands from local entrepreneurs, to scope out our yoga studio (where we can’t wait to hold classes IRL), or to just say hello and introduce yourself. We feel so welcomed and loved by the Amesbury community already and we can’t wait to meet you.

Katie Cavic, Founder of Bryony & Birch